ARCHIVe OF harriman-jewell series PERFORMANCES
Join us as we look back on the 1,000 performances and events we have presented since 1965! Use the search feature on the right to search for presentations by artist name, date, venue, or category (type of performance, voice type, instrument, etc.). Click the gear wheel on the left to customize your view and to add or hide categories. Click on an any event to see the original printed program!
To find a date range, click “filter” then type in a year. To find multiple years of performances, click “add another condition” and change to “or” then add another year.
To change your view to show the most recent events, sort by date and choose Z—>A.
To see American Recital Debuts, click “filter,” click “add condition”; change DATE to NOTEWORTHY then choose has any of “American Recital Debut.”
Try other filters like artist names or venues to find what you like!